The Inquisitives - Baby and Toddler Provision
The Baby and Toddler rooms are where babies, toddlers and young children up to two years of age are cared for. The Provision accommodates up to fourteen children.
The two rooms, the linking area, the peaceful sleep room, the changing area and the kitchen make up our very homely space for our younger children.
The rhythm of our day is built upon a mix of each child’s needs and set times for indoor/outdoor play and meals.
Young children learn through all their senses, the play opportunities we offer are carefully planned to support the natural exploration instinct during these first two years of life.
Our holistic approach and integrated play areas give children the opportunity to make play choices in between the two rooms and the very exciting area which links the rooms.
In addition to what we offer on a daily basis, our children participate in Heuristic Play Sessions. Heuristic play consists of offering a group of children, for a defined period of time in a controlled environment, a large number of different kinds of objects and receptacles with which they play freely without adult intervention.
A music professional visits weekly leading a musical, sign and movement session for all the children in the provision.